


事情发生的经过: 还有超级星期二. 

单词释义: 北卡罗来纳州(以及其他许多州)的选民同时投票, 因此“超级”)选出了2020年大选的地方到总统职位候选人. 全州31%的选民投票率(包括提前投票), 比2016年总统初选的投票率低了几个百分点吗, 但那是在两个主要政党都有选票的时候. 而几个州仍在进行总统初选, 最后一次是在六月, 北卡罗来纳的初选基本上是在本州边界内进行的, 比如对U.S. 参议院,国务委员会和大会. 

利用: 重复,基本解决了. 一些职位的势均力敌的结果似乎推动了决选. 然而,其他的初选则是决定性的,其中包括州长布朗. 民主党人罗伊·库珀(Roy Cooper)和Lt. 政府. 丹森林, 一位共和党人, 将在11月争夺州最高席位, 以巨大优势赢得提名. 

瘦子: 请继续阅读以了解详细信息, 请记住,在3月13日的拉票之前,周二的结果被认为是“非官方的”, 选举官员要确保所有有效选票都被正确记录. 在这个公告中还有:广告牌, 宽带, 新型冠状病毒肺炎信息, 地方法令等等, with a reminder as well about the upcoming CityVision 2020 conference just ahead in Wilmington.

今年过得飞快,不知不觉就到5月了. 不要等待 注册 for the biggest 和 best annual conference available to North Carolina's municipal staff 和 elected officials -- CityVision, 5月6日至7日 在美丽的威尔明顿市中心. 在日历上标记威尔明顿会议中心,俯瞰开普菲尔河. 早期注册 避免滞纳金. 预登记将于4月10日星期五结束.

由市政365足彩下载为您带来, CityVision always brings future-readying educational opportunities 和 classic camaraderie among municipal officials from the staff 和 elected levels across North Carolina.  

期待两天的精彩演讲, educational sessions 和 one-on-one time that will give you the tools you need to face challenges in your town or city. 今年,CityVision将为当选官员提供道德培训. 本次培训符合国家法律规定的道德培训标准. 其他教育课程将侧重于就业法、水资源 & 废水、网络安全、经济发展等等. 

CityVision's newest addition will be a Speed Networking session inside the Riverside Expo exhibit hall. We invite you to take advantage of this one-on-one time with sponsors 和 exhibitors on May 6. The League’s 保护服务 risk control staff will host Law Enforcement Firearm 培训 preview sessions. These 30-minute sessions will use state-of-the-art technology that trains police officers how to appropriately respond 和 de-escalate when confronted with an active shooter, 好斗的社区成员, 或其他, 类似的场景.

不要等到. 前往我们的活动页面 你需要为威尔明顿2020年城市愿景做准备的所有信息. 

点击周二初选的结果 N.C. 参议院席位, the first name that appears is that of the League's immediate past president -- Jacksonville Mayor Pro Tem Michael Lazzara. 这位寻求接替即将退休的参议员的共和党人. 大会的哈里·布朗(也是共和党人), 轻松赢得初选 获得了63%的选票. 拉扎拉将在11月的投票中与民主党人艾克·约翰逊竞争. 在州的另一边,阿什维尔市议员朱莉·梅菲尔德 赢得民主党提名 她的州参议院选区再次获得了多数票. 她将在11月迎战坎德勒共和党人鲍勃·彭兰. 这个席位目前由奥巴马参议员(森. 特里·范·杜恩,但她今年选择竞选副州长.) They're just a couple examples of local 政府ernment officials vying to bring their experience into higher office. 夏洛特市议会议员Dimple Ajmera 竞选州财政部长 as a Democrat 和 as of this writing trailed closely behind fellow Democrat Ronnie Chatterji for the nomination. Chatterji, a professor from Durham, would face incumbent 代表ublican Dale Folwell for the seat. 本周初选的完整结果, from presidential picks to Congress to statewide seats to the General Assembly to judicial slots 和 to county commissioners 和 in between, 可在 http://er.ncsbe.政府. 州选举委员会也制定了一个 带有可点击县的州地图 看看当地的投票情况,包括当地的公民投票. 

强调地方对广告牌法规控制的作用 国际365足彩下载提出的意见 本周. 这些评论是提交给联合国的.C. 交通部的回应 提议修改该机构的户外广告规则,重点是确保州规则也包括地方监管机构. The agency initiated this rulemaking in response to a requirement to review 和 revise its rules at least once a decade. 而大多数提议的变化都是部长级的更新, 365足彩下载要求该机构在规则定义中参考当地的广告牌条例. The League argued that this change would reiterate local control over outdoor advertising in cities 和 towns.

会议讨论如何提高国家的经济活动水平, 几位立法者本周呼吁宽带接入是当务之急. 立法者,所有的领导人 经济发展和全球参与联合立法委员会, began the commission’s meeting by listing limited 宽带 access as a critical weakness in our state’s infrastructure. 主席代表. 史蒂夫•罗斯 recounted how a business owner in his district -- a largely urbanized are -- just recently received adequate 宽带 to serve his business’ needs. He expressed his desire to study ways to build on recent policies the legislature had enacted to exp和 宽带 access. 委员会副主席 森. 哈利布朗代表. 杰森Saine 看到了罗斯议员的帖子, stating that while they were proud of a new 宽带 grant program funded by the legislature over the past two years, 他们知道需要更多的国家宽带投资.

委员会可能会在未来的会议上审视该州的宽带接入状况. 与此同时, the League will continue to make the case for local involvement in building the necessary 宽带 infrastructure to support local business owners 和 residents. Legislators could take a large step forward in exp和ing internet availability across the state by passing HB 431纤维NC法案, a bill that would allow cities 和 counties to build 宽带 infrastructure when leasing it to a private internet service provider. 该法案可能会在即将到来的立法短期会议上审议.

当地政府官员告诉该州议员 一般法规委员会 on Friday that differences in communities across the state require different approaches to local ordinances 和 whether or not they carry misdemeanor criminal penalties. 欧盟委员会 was authorized by the General Assembly to study duplication of criminal penalties, 包括地方法规可能会对轻罪进行处罚. The study comes as some advocates have pushed to curb or eliminate criminal penalties as enforcement mechanisms in local ordinances.

Burlington Police Chief Jeff Smythe told commission members that criminal enforcement – though rarely used – is needed to force compliance when civil penalties fail to gain violators’ attention. Raleigh Deputy City Attorney Dottie Kibler said the use of a criminal misdemeanor will often force compliance much quicker than attempting to pursue an injunction in court. “我们的目标是让大家遵守,”她说. 

来自当地官员的信息似乎被听到了, as commission members noted how different local noise 和 dangerous animal ordinances are from each other, 和 how a local approach appeared best to address differences in communities 和 their st和ards. 欧盟委员会, 面临5月1日发布报告的最后期限, indicated that they were likely to issue an interim that looked at the issue broadly 和 did not dive into the merits of individual local ordinances. 欧盟委员会 is expected to hear from advocates favoring streamlining of criminal penalties at their April meeting.

League staff helped to arrange the testimony on Friday 和 will continue to monitor this important issue involving local authority. 

如果你的城市有户外照明,那么这是一个重要的事件. 确保你的城镇有代表. 加入365足彩下载 和 Duke Energy for a discussion on street lighting strategies 和 rate updates at the NC APWA州会议 4月. 户外照明部分将在下午4点举行.m. on April 23 和 is an opportunity for League members 和 Duke Energy Outdoor Lighting to discuss outdoor lighting rate updates, 将灯转换为LED的过程和概述, 任何即将进行的项目(包括小型附件功能), 市政客户可能有任何问题.

This session continues discussions that began after the League intervened in the utility’s rate cases before the N.C. 2013年和2017年. 市政365足彩下载再次介入 杜克大学目前的利率案例, 公用事业委员会的听证会将于本月开始. 阅读本周新闻 关于费率案例.

已经引起了大家的注意, 新型冠状病毒肺炎, 与冠状病毒有关的疾病正在传播, 在写这篇文章的时候,导致了北卡罗来纳州的第二起记录在案的病例. WRAL新闻报道 来自联合国的详细报道.C. 卫生与公众服务部. 国土安全部设立了一个 新型冠状病毒肺炎信息页面 具体到北卡罗来纳州的情况, 基本信息, 保持健康的方法和概要 官员们如何准备和应对. “国土安全部正在与联邦和地方卫生官员合作, health care providers 和 emergency management officials to protect the health 和 wellbeing of North Carolinians,该机构表示. 州长发起了一项 专责小组 在二月份的努力中.